Research and Innovation

Indicative projects in which the Department has participated:

ARTEMIS. Applying Reactive Twins to Enhance Monument Information Systems

ECHOES. European Cloud for Heritage OpEn Science,

TEXTaiLES. Textile digitisation tools and methods for cultural heritage

ARGUS. Non-destructive, scalable, smart monitoring of remote cultural treasures

Echoes. Reconstructing the life of traditional settlements through interactive experiences and 3d sound.

Mythotopia Mythological itineraries in Eastern Macedonia and Thrace.

CAnTi, Conservation of Ancient Tirintha

Evrinomi, A technological framework for documentation and promotion of human creativity and culture at the Archaeological Museum of Patras

AtticPOT, Attic PO(ttery in) T(hrace)

ARENA, Archaeological REsearch in the North Aegean

SEADDA: Saving European Archaeology from the Digital Dark Age

Virtual Guide

COSCH: Colour and Space in Cultural Heritage (MPNS COST Action TD1201)

ARIADNE, Research Infrastructures for archaeological datasets and related technologies

 3D-ICONS. 3D Digitisation of Icons of European Architectural and Archaeological Heritage

CORECT, Common Religious Cultural Pathways

CARARE, Connecting Archaeology and Architecture in Europeana

PRESIOUS, Predictive digitization, restoration and degradation assessment of cultural heritage object

3DOR, 3D Object Retrieval. 2011-2015. European Social Fund – ESF and Greek national funds through the Operational Program “Education and Lifelong Learning” of the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) – Research Funding Program: THALIS.

Study and analysis of pottery clay from the ancient city of Pella

Interactive Multimedia Applications in the Archaeological Museum of Arta and Infokiosks in the city of Arta

Shall we walk through the village?

Record it yourself

STACHEM, Science and Technology for Archaeology and Cultural heritage in the Eastern Mediterranean

Regional Guide of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace

Study and Creation of Empirical Educational Museum Equipment

“Nautilus”. Multimedia educational application for culture. “Thrace-Aegean-Cyprus 2004-2005” project

Ancient Pottery, Technology-Routes of pottery: System development for the continuous exploration of ancient pottery. Application on the pottery of ancient Abdera.

Traditional craftsmen and wood related professions in Aegean, Thrace and Cyprus

Study and webpage creation for the dry-wall constructions of Thrace, Aegean and Cyprus

Arc of refugee heirlooms